20 best juices for weight loss
Many people are forced to drink a lot of water when starting on different diets. Instead of water in the menu, you can use various freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits. They contain many vitamins and minerals that aid in the process of losing weight.
Any diet causes the loss of trace elements and vitamins. What do you need to drink to make up for their deficiency?
Almost any juices - vegetable and fruit, sold in retail chains, contain a large amount of vitamins. They can be drunk regularly, only choosing juices, and not nectars or drinks with a large amount of sugar syrup, which are not only useless, but harmful in large quantities. During the diet, you must drink freshly squeezed juices of vegetables and fruits.
Any freshly squeezed juices are consumed immediately after preparation, but no later than eight hours, and then if stored in a dark and cool place.
Can I drink juice while losing weight, what are the rules for their use?
The rules for using juices for weight loss are about the same.
It is better to dilute them with water to reduce the load on the pancreas. This is especially true for strict diets, when you need to consume two to three liters a day. If you need to drink water, drink only pure or non-carbonated mineral water. The level of sweetness of juices should be selected based on the health of the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases. For example, in case of an ulcer, juices that are too acidic should not be consumed, and in diabetes mellitus, very sweet juices.
Everyone loves fruit juices, but in diets they need to be diluted with vegetable juices. For fruit contains a lot of carbohydrates, which does not contribute to weight loss. Vegetables, on the other hand, are less high in calories, so it is often advised to prepare a mixture of vegetables and fruits. Freshly squeezed with pulp is very good - it contains a large amount of fiber, which cleanses the intestines and contributes to a feeling of fullness. You can also use a blended cocktail of vegetables, fruits and berries. It is only necessary to find out in advance whether it is possible to consume smoothies in your diet.
A diet on juices means not only getting rid of excess weight, but also a medical procedure for the general improvement of the body, cleansing the intestines and generally getting rid of diseases.
Pros of juice diets
Mostly, a diet on juices does not bore you - it is tasty, the fiber in the pulp and glucose saturates the body, while you think less about solid foods.
Fresh juices contribute to the saturation of vitamins, micro and macro minerals.
Low calorie content provides a carbohydrate deficiency, which contributes to the faster breakdown of their own fats.
Accelerating metabolism and cleansing the gastrointestinal tract are in full swing.
When the metabolism accelerates, a person loses weight faster, and liquid foods enriched with vitamins accelerate the elimination of toxins and improve well-being and appearance.
Cons of frequent juice consumption
Lack of solid food, with prolonged use, can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal motility.
It can also increase the acidity of the stomach, in the case of prolonged and improper use.
Limiting the duration of such diets will help prevent such changes.
Contraindications for these diets: pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding, chronic endocrine and gastric and duodenal ulcers, with individual intolerance to the components.
It is necessary to prepare for such diets gradually, over several days, reducing the consumption of meat and other long-digestible foods. It will be useful to introduce juices gradually, at least two glasses. On the eve of the diet, it is better to eat only plant foods.
Diets are of two types - strict and gentle. Strict implies only the use of juice for food, evenly drunk. With sparing drinks, several meals are replaced.
Strict diets can last up to 5 days, sparing, in some cases, up to two weeks.
20 juices that help to lose weight and normalize digestion
We divide all juices into vegetable, fruit and smoothies. Let us describe their positive effect on weight loss and, in general, on the human body.
Watermelon with pomegranate
Grind one pomegranate and 10-15 tablespoons of watermelon in a blender, add a couple of large tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a little cinnamon.
The drink quickly reduces weight and improves health. Contains many antioxidants.
Pineapple juice
Pineapple juice fights well against hunger, and a strong diuretic effect helps to eliminate toxins and toxins, relieves constipation. The enzyme bromelain contained in it contributes to the rapid loss of body weight.
Birch juice
Birch sap is peculiar. While not a vegetable or fruit, it is nevertheless very healthy. You can drink on an empty stomach by adding a spoonful of olive oil to a glass of juice. Apply up to two liters per day. This juice has a very strong diuretic effect, while accelerating the metabolism. Absolutely contraindicated in the presence of kidney stones.
Juice from young zucchini
It has a minimum of calories, is very easily absorbed, can be consumed, practically unlimited, improves bowel function. Normalizes peristalsis, while improving metabolism. Use with caution in case of intestinal and stomach ulcers. By drinking a small amount daily, we completely get rid of toxins.
Potato juice
It is used as part of a low-calorie diet of 150-200 milliliters before meals. Application time - up to three weeks. At the same time, take food often and in small portions. Improves metabolism, removes toxins, helps to cleanse the intestines and relieve constipation.
-Cucumber juice
Cucumber juice is widely used in any diet. Its composition is similar to water, but filled with useful substances. To increase the feeling of fullness, they are used in a mixture with thicker juices. This diet resembles complete starvation. Eliminates puffiness, and quickly reduces weight.
Pumpkin juice
Pumpkin juice and drinks with its content. They are often replaced with part of the meals. The substances contained in this juice have an antiparasitic effect, while normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. You can drink one glass after two hours. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are not a contraindication.
Tomato juice
It is very good to lose weight on tomato juice, since a large amount of pulp contributes to a good saturation of the body. Accelerated metabolism, when used, accelerates weight loss, prevents the development of neoplasms.
Cucumber, kiwi and Chinese plum
Take cucumber, kiwi and 4 lychee (Chinese plum). Composition, respectively: 0.5 / 2/4 / + a spoonful of flax, salt to taste. Mix all the ingredients in a blender, pouring into a glass bowl and add flaxseed to drink.
This drink helps to reduce weight and strengthen the immune system.
Cabbage juice with lemon, orange and peach
In the composition, respectively: 2 cabbage leaves / juice from half a lemon / half an orange / half a peach / 1 small spoonful of pumpkin seeds. Beat everything in a blender, after mixing.
The drink improves the functioning of the digestive tract, is rich in trace elements, is also good for hair and skin, and helps to lose weight quickly.
Apple, grape and grapefruit juice
Components, respectively: 0.5 apple with a few grapes / 0.5 grapefruit / a little salt and pepper. Add pepper and salt, after beating with a blender.
The drink helps to lose weight by decreasing the hydration of the body, slowing down the aging of the skin and reducing stress.
Mango juice with lemon and yogurt
Ingredients: Mix half a small yogurt with a blended mango slice and two tablespoons of lemon juice. It is more pleasant to drink chilled.
The drink contains a large amount of natural antioxidants. In this regard, it removes toxins well, improves metabolism, and promotes overall health and cell rejuvenation. Enough calories, therefore, it is not recommended to use it often during a diet.
A mixture of pineapple, cucumber, spinach with the addition of coconut water
Accordingly, we take 2 slices of pineapple / 0.5 cucumber / 4 leaves of greens / coconut liquid in the amount of one glass. Mix in a blender, then add the coconut liquid.
The drink contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins, dietary fiber is also present. Improves immunity, digestion, strengthens the human skeleton.
Vegetarian Juice
Vegetable vegetarian juice, which includes: beets and a small celery, one piece, one carrot, 5 small heads of broccoli, lime 25-30 grams, a little mint. Blend everything by adding salt and lemon juice.
The product improves immunity, while simultaneously lowering cholesterol and supporting the digestive tract.
Calorie table of juices
This table will help you find the optimal juice for weight loss. Keep in mind that vegetable juices are the lowest in calories and are most suitable for weight loss. The most popular of them is canned tomato juice, which retains all the nutrients in this form for a long time. On the other hand, some nutritionists suggest adding cow's cream to carrot juice, they help the body absorb all the micro and macro nutrients found in the juice. However, in this case, as you already understood, the calorie content of carrot juice increases to 85 kcal.
Fruit juices are the most high-calorie, so when drinking another glass of sweet juice, do not forget to add 100-140 kcal to your daily calorie content. The presence of a relatively high content of carbohydrates in fruit juices is not their only disadvantage, they still have quite a lot of various acids that have a detrimental effect on the stomach of a person who has an ulcer or other problems associated with the digestive system.
Fruit and Vegetable Juice Calorie Table
Juice Calories per 100 g, kcal Calories per glass (250 ml), kcal
Freshly squeezed (natural) juices
apple 42 105
orange 36 90
tomato 18 45
carrot 28 70
pineapple 48 120
grape 54 135
peach 40 100
cherry 47 118
grapefruit 30 75
Reconstituted (packaged) juices
apple 46 115
orange 60 150
tomato 21 53
carrot 56 140
pineapple 46 115
grape 70 175
multifruit 48 120
peach 68 170
cherry 51 130
grapefruit 38 95
In your diets, and indeed in the usual menu, try to use freshly squeezed juices whenever possible. Unlike reconstituted juices (made from powder), natural juices are much healthier, with fewer calories and more vitamins and minerals. Alternatively, you can buy products for baby food; manufacturers try not to put sugar in such juices.
Juice slimming reviews
With the right approach to various juice diets for weight loss, it is quite possible to drive off excess weight without harming your health. However, in everything, a measure is needed, which implies adherence to certain rules to your diet and lifestyle in general.
First of all, people note in their reviews the good "work" of juice diets while following a low-calorie diet, since a "hard" weight loss on juices alone can lead to indigestion and a decrease in muscle mass due to the lack of protein foods. Therefore, for weight loss, we recommend that you combine the intake of juices, not only with a low-calorie diet, but also with cardio (aerobic) loads that will put your body in order, give your muscles a tone.
The most popular among real "experimenters" of juice diets are tastes:
Watermelon (strong diuretic)
Apple (darkens very quickly, so consume immediately after cooking)
Carrot (sometimes causes allergies in the form of rashes and spots on the body)
Fruit juices
Fresh vegetable juices (often have a negative calorie content, that is, they contain substances in the composition of which the body spends more calories than they themselves bring, for example, celery, parsley, dill)
For weight loss, not all drinks will be equally useful, therefore, we recommend, firstly, to choose juice with pulp (it contains more fiber, which gives a feeling of fullness and helps to fight slagging of the body), and secondly, pay attention to the composition, because sometimes only 100 grams of a product can contain 60-70 cocoa, for example, the most high-calorie fruit coals: grape - 70 kcal and pineapple - 68 kcal. And we all remember, from our other articles, we lose weight when we create a calorie deficit in the body.
Negative reviews of juice diets are mainly associated with intolerance to one or another juice, and secondly, people forgot to take into account the calorie content of juices, and it is banal because of this the opposite effect was obtained, instead of losing weight, weight was gained.
Also keep in mind that the subjects did not experience any positive effects on the health of hair, nails and skin when drinking juices.
In addition, people advise, when using freshly squeezed juices, to purchase an auger juicer, which, unlike a centrifugal one, preserves the pulp of the product and does not heat the juice, preserving all the useful vitamins and minerals.
Before starting a juice diet, we draw your attention, quickly does not mean good, despite the fact that people note in their reviews that they managed to lose weight by combining juices within one month by 5-6 kg, not the fact that this is generally true, and secondly, this process is individual, and will depend more on your body type and what kind of lifestyle and diet you lead in general.
And of course, we are interested in the long-term perspective of losing weight, because only it, firstly, guarantees that the lost kilograms will not return again very quickly, and secondly, it is based on health.